Door Type: Wooden & Steel Doors
Open Method: Mobile App(Tuya) - Face ID - Fingerprint - Password - Magnetic Card - Master Key
Smart Functions: Two-way Audio - Live Video 55-Second - WIFI 2.4 G - Generate Temporary Password - Magnetic IC 13.56 MHz Mifare Cards - Anti-theft Alarm - There is emergency power input 5V 2A Micro USB - Camera Night Vision
Other Features: Direction Left and Right - Screen 4.5 Inch - 300 Users - Remote Control (optional) - English / Arabic
Batteries: Lithium 7.4 V 4200 mA-Low Voltage Alarm
Terms and Conditions
- Due to the import, and currency exchange rate change, please contact us to check the prices and stock availability before ordering..
- Exchange and return conditions apply within the 14-day period from the date of receipt of the item if the item is in the same condition as it was in at the time of sale.
-Shipping: 2-3 Business Days.